
Most companies are familiar with Digital Workspace. But the reality?

Date of issue

15. 2. 2023

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Most companies are familiar with Digital Workspace. But the reality?

By deploying office suites from Microsoft or Google, you get the full range of tools you need to work online, but if you use, for example, accounting software, warehouse systems, logistics or other cloud-based systems, you can’t manage, secure or log in to them all in one place.

Security of data and systems in the digital workplace is key

The biggest challenge of the digital workplace is ensuring data security. For example, a centralised document management system (DMS) is a great ease of work, but also a tempting target for hackers or internet thieves. With employees accessing company data and systems from virtually any device and anywhere in the world, access security controls and workflows are now a necessity.

Unified endpoint management (UEM/MDM) can do it!

Set up both application access policies and the data itself across all applications, devices and locations in one place. Get your new business laptop, tablet or smartphone up and running in minutes from anywhere in the world. It simply automates repetitive processes, and security and logging are then uniform.

There is virtually no pure MDM tool on the market today and most solutions offer EMM functionality, with UEM being the market leader.

MDM/UEM technology:
📎 Workspace ONE / Airwatch,📎 Microsoft Intune,📎 Samsung Knox,📎 JAMF,📎 Ivanti/MobileIron,📎 SOTI

Which technology is the most preferred?

Each solution must fit the exact needs of the company, taking into account the company’s IT infrastructure and planned development.

For example? If a company has Microsoft 365 and needs the usual MDM functionality, it makes sense for them to get Micorosoft Intune. If you need more advanced management tools and also need to deploy the platform online and on-premise, VM Ware’s Workspace ONE is the ideal solution.

That is why we do not prefer any of them, we always recommend to choose a tailor-made solution.

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Alena Valeckova

Alena Valeckova

office coordinator

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